8th Inter-government Secondary School English Debating Competition
Date: 05/07/2017
The Grand Finals of the 8th Inter-government Secondary School English Debating Competition was successfully held on 5th July, 2017 at Homantin Government Secondary School. On that day, we were honoured to have Ms. Sandy WONG JP, Past President of Hong Kong Federation of Women Lawyer, as the Chief Adjudicator and Mr. Kong Yick Cheong, Vice-Chairman of the Association of Principals of Government Secondary Schools, as the guest of honour. They both gave some invaluable comments to the participants and they were surprised by the excellent performance of the students, who can present their arguments and defend their position in a logical and polite manner.
The King’s College English Debate Team had great performance throughout the competition and finally won the First Runner-up in Stream A of the competition. The team members are 3A Sze Tik, 3C Yeung Ming Shun, 3D Lachlan Judge, 5D Chan Ho Ming, 6D Mak Ka Ho and 6D Chiang Yat Long.
3A Sze Tik also won the Best Debater Award in the Quarter Finals and 3D Lachlan Judge also won the Best Debater Award in the Semi Finals.