14th Singapore – Hong Kong Exchange Programme

Date: 07/11/2015

Name of Organizing Body: 

Under the theme of ‘One City; Two Experiences’, the First Leg of the 14th Singapore – Hong Kong Exchange Programme took place in July this summer. Sixty S.2 students from eight government secondary schools went to Singapore and participated in a 15-Day educational and cultural immersion programme, which was co-organized by the Education Bureau and the Singapore Ministry of Education. 

Hong Kong teachers and students could not wait to see their friends again. The Singapore teachers and students paid their return visit to Hong Kong during 7th – 17th November. Thanks to the support from the Principals and teachers, Singapore teachers observed and gained hands-on experience in different well planned lessons. Everyone was allowed to have a more comprehensive view on the visions and development of each school. For students, the reunion has further strengthened their friendship and again, they have learned how to overcome all daily and learning challenges hand-in-hand with their buddies. To enrich the learning experience, the participants visited the Museum of Coastal Defence and joined the Youth Education Series Programme prepared by Hong Kong Disneyland. The feedback was positive and the quality time would never be enough. The programme ended on 17th November with laughter and tears, but the alliance forged between Singapore and Hong Kong teachers and students would stay strong forever. 
