S.4-S.6 Career and Life Planning Information Day (生涯規劃及升學資訊日)

Date: 03/10/2015

Name of Organizing Body: 
Careers and Life Planning Education Committee 

Name of Guest Speaker : 

1. University of Hong Kong, Admissions and Academic Liaison Section, Admission Officer (香港大學教務處入學及學術交流部招生主任)
--Miss Mak Yi Man (麥綺雯小姐)

2. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, Assistant Director (香港中文大學入學及學生資助處助理處長)

--Ms Kung Hing Ha Annie (孔慶霞小姐) 

Our school’s career and life planning team organized different talks for S.4-S.6 parents, introducing the up-dated information of local and overseas studies, multiple pathway, careers and life planning. Moreover, representatives of the admission office of HKU and CUHK were invited to share and answer admission enquiries.


The powerpoints of the event can be downloaded from the following links: 

1. 生涯規劃及最新升學資訊
2. 大學聯招-申請程序
3. 香港大學本科入學講座
4. 香港中文大學本科入學講座 (將稍後上載)
5. 本地多元出路
6. 海外升學
7. 台灣、澳門、內地升學 
